The Road

It is an hon­or to fol­low this band on the road. I live expe­ri­ences, enjoy moments and suf­fer through inci­dents wor­thy of count­less life times. One of my favorite des­ti­na­tions, for its raw­ness and beau­ty, is West Hele­na, Arkansas. The fol­low­ing is a snip­pet from a moment in time that no pho­to could have cap­tured. Morse Gist, the own­er of Gist Music, sold a very young Lev­on Helm his first gui­tar. Chris O’Leary became Lev­on’s lead singer dur­ing the The Barn­burn­er years. This is what hap­pened when Chris walked into the old fron­tier-type brick build­ing hous­ing the music store.
Sto­ry to follow…