Join us at The Falcon tonight!

Come for din­ner and stay for our show at The Fal­con in Marl­boro, NY tonight, with the tri­umphant return of our bassist Frank Ingrao!


  1. Hi, enjoyed your show at the Fal­con last night but the band was way too loud. Notice the club own­er was at the sound board; was that the rea­son? I had to go to the bar to enjoy the music… I am a rock n’ roller from way back but when good music is played too loud­ly it is no longer enjoy­able… I know peo­ple sat there last night but if you asked they would prob­a­bly say it could have been toned down! Thank you for lis­ten­ing. Donna

    • Hi, Don­na,

      We’re glad you enjoyed the show, and we’re sor­ry you thought it was too loud. The club own­er does mon­i­tor the sound board!

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