Join us at The Towne Crier for New Year’s Eve!!!

We are delight­ed to be return­ing to one of our favorite music venues in the Hud­son Val­ley this New Year’s Eve, The Towne Crier Cafe in Bea­con. We’ll be joined by Sari Schorr and her band deliv­er­ing their high ener­gy blues-rock sound. The chefs in the kitchen are plan­ning a mem­o­rable New Year’s Eve feast buf­fet, includ­ing a vari­ety of appe­tiz­ers and entrees, capped off by dessert — sump­tu­ous choco­late truf­fles, petit fours and fresh fruit. Also includ­ed for din­ner guests: a com­pli­men­ta­ry bot­tle of cham­pagne per cou­ple. Get your tick­ets now!

The COB-MaggieStahlPhoto


  1. We’ll be there. The band always puts on a great show, and New Year’s Eve in the past at The Towne Crier has been a ter­rif­ic way to start a new year.

  2. Thanks for the info. I will include your gig on a list of Blues Shows, that I send out to the Con­necti­cut Blues Soci­ety members.

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