Late addi­tion to our cal­en­dar — heck, it’s so new we haven’t had time to actu­al­ly add it to the cal­en­dar! Please come join us at McAuley’s Tav­ern (347 Hook­er Avenue, Pough­keep­sie 12603) this Fri­day night at around 9:30 for great live blues, swing, and what­ev­er else we feel like playing.

Band mem­ber Willa McCarthy says it best: “If you think you’ve heard all the music this band has to offer, think again! We’ve been rolling out BRAND NEW tunes that will appear on the next CD, which will be com­ing down the pike… Chris con­tin­ues to impress with out­stand­ing song­writ­ing skills. New tunes are inspired by blues, roots, soul and coun­try clas­sics and all with his typ­i­cal sharp wit. But don’t wor­ry, we’ll break out the hits… Come par­ty with us!” We’ll be at the Towne Crier Cafe on Fri­day, April 26th. Get your tick­ets now!