We’ll be play­ing a set this Thurs­day at the Hur­ri­cane Sandy Relief Ben­e­fit Con­cert being held right here in the Hud­son Val­ley at The Chance in Pough­keep­sie, NY! This is a fundrais­er for the Red Cross, with 100% of the tick­et sales ($20 per per­son) going to sup­port the relief efforts. Many oth­er great musi­cians will be per­form­ing, the event starts at 5pm, so come on out and help us to raise mon­ey for the vic­tims of Hur­ri­cane Sandy. Go to our cal­en­dar page or The Chance web­site at http://www.thechancetheater.com for details and to buy your tick­ets in advance.

We’ll be hit­ting the road this week­end for shows in Delaware and Wash­ing­ton, DC. On Fri­day night, join us at Bethany Blues BBQ in Lewes, Delaware (near Rehoboth Beach) for some bar­beque and blues. Sat­ur­day we head inland to per­form at the world famous Madam’s Organ Blues Bar and Soul Food Restau­rant, in the heart of Adams Mor­gan in down­town DC. Details are on our web­site cal­en­dar. If you live in one of these locales, come on out and see us!

Once you’ve fin­ished your turkey and done all your Black Fri­day hol­i­day shop­ping, come on over to Rock Hill, NY to see us at the first annu­al Sul­li­van Coun­ty Blues and Music Fes­ti­val, on Sat­ur­day, Novem­ber 24th. We’ll be hit­ting the stage some­where around 9 pm that night, but we’ll be there ear­ly to hear the oth­er bands play­ing that evening. You can find details on our web­site at www.thechrisolearyband.com/calendar or on the Fes­ti­val’s Face­book event page.

The Greater Hud­son Val­ley Fam­i­ly Health Cen­ter has opened an after hours event to their fundrais­er this Sat­ur­day, Novem­ber 3rd. This event takes place at Antho­ny’s Pier 9. It is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to lis­ten to The Chris O’Leary Band and sup­port a great cause.  As of today, fans of the Chris O’Leary Band can buy Pil­lars After Par­ty tick­ets for $50 from GHVFHC via Regi­na McGrade at (845) 220‑3152. Doors open at 10 pm and includes open bar and nib­bles. All Pil­lars Din­ner guests wel­come to stay through.

We are record­ing a live DVD dur­ing our show on Thurs­day, Octo­ber 11, at The Fal­con in Marl­boro, NY. It will make the video extra spe­cial if YOU are all there in the audi­ence! Come for din­ner (make your reser­va­tions now!) and stay for the show, which starts at 7pm (so you’ll be home ear­ly on that school night). It’s guar­an­teed to be a blast!!