The Band Will Play at Health Center Fundraiser

On Novem­ber 3rd 2012, The Chris O’Leary Band will be play­ing a set at the Greater Hud­son Val­ley Fam­i­ly Health Cen­ter’s Pil­lars Of The Com­mu­ni­ty Award gala. If any­one deserves an award, it is the Fam­i­ly Health Cen­ter for the amaz­ing work they do in our com­mu­ni­ty. So come join us for a fun-filled evening at Antho­ny’s Pier 9. For tick­ets con­tact Regi­na McGrade at 845–220-3152.

Who is the Fam­i­ly Health Cen­ter: GHVFHC now pro­vides more than 17,000 adults and chil­dren in the Hud­son Val­ley with their com­pre­hen­sive health care. Last year, we had over 125,000 pri­ma­ry and pre­ven­ta­tive care patient visits.

Mis­sion: We are ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing high qual­i­ty, com­pre­hen­sive pri­ma­ry & pre­ven­ta­tive health care ser­vices to our patients in an envi­ron­ment of car­ing, respect, and dignity.

Com­pa­ny Overview: The Greater Hud­son Val­ley Fam­i­ly Health Cen­ter, Inc. is an orga­ni­za­tion licensed to oper­ate by the State of New York as an Arti­cle 28 Diag­nos­tic and Treat­ment Cen­ter. It also is rec­og­nized by the Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment as a Sec­tion 330 Fed­er­al­ly Qual­i­fied Health Cen­ter. Our Cen­ter also oper­ates with the fol­low­ing des­ig­na­tions: Med­ical­ly Under­served Area (MUA), Med­ical­ly Under­served Pop­u­la­tion (MUP), and serv­ing in a Health Pro­fes­sion­als Short­age Area (HPSA).

Descrip­tion: Healthy fam­i­lies begin with healthy part­ner­ships. We are a non-prof­it, full ser­vice, mul­ti-spe­cial­i­ty com­mu­ni­ty health provider serv­ing the Hud­son Valley.