It is four oclock in the morn­ing and we are  almost in Mem­phis. We are head­ed for the King Bis­cuit Blues Fes­ti­val in West Hele­na Arkansas for a mid­day gig on the main stage.

Tomor­row we are off to 16th Annu­al Car­oli­na Down­home Blues Fes­ti­val for two days and on Sun­day we stop in at the Hamp­ton Tap House in Hamp­ton Vir­ginia before head­ing home.

“As for The Chris O’Leary Band , what can you say as the say­ing goes , if you ‘aint got that swing and by god he swung from rafters of that Mar­quee last night, got them all danc­ing , you know with a name like O’Leary he was but com­ing home to see us…what a band .”



Woo hoo! Lucky me:) I already have “Mr. Used To Be” and just recent­ly ordered “Wait­ing For The Phone To Ring” via Amazon!

If the CD is yet to be signed, may I have have it signed in a spe­cial manner? 

I am col­lect­ing signed CDs, that are pro­duced by nation­al­ly rec­og­nized award win­ning per­form­ers, which will be auc­tioned for fundrais­ing pur­pos­es, dur­ing the annu­al con­fer­ence of the Twin­less Twins Sup­port Group Inter­na­tion­al, Los Ange­les in 2013. 

If it is con­vienent, may I have the CD signed “Twin­less Twins Los Ange­les 2013” and of course by all 3 Chris’, Andy, Willa & Sean?

I have been for­tu­nate to be able pho­to­graph, meet & see the band per­form at the King Bis­cuit, BMAs & the Blues Blast Music Awards and already am a huge fan! 

If you would like more info about Twin­less Twins Sup­port Group vis­it:

Please also vis­it and “Like” Friends Of The Blues On Face­book which I cre­at­ed and main­tain for our group Friends Of The Blues based in the Kanka­kee, Il. metro area which sup­ports our LIVE shows and the Friends Of The Blues Radio Show on WKCC.

Thank you all so much! 
Kurt Foor

[email protected]

Thank you for the great response. The win­ner’s email starts with sigm­n­tr. We will con­tact you for your address so we can send the signed CD.