Thank you to every­one who came out to sup­port the band these last few weeks. Thank you to all the venues and fes­ti­vals that opened their doors to us. Thank you to the hos­pi­tal, doc­tors and nurs­es who fixed Chris and thank you to Gail E. Beaudry-Heu­ton for mak­ing and giv­ing the band the most amaz­ing bread and pre­serves to keep us from star­va­tion on the 20 hour dri­ves between gigs. THANK YOU ALL. See you again next year!


Thanks Bran­don San­ti­ni for open­ing for us yes­ter­day at the 21st Saloon in Oma­ha. You guys are great. Thanks Oma­ha blues for bring­ing out a fan­tas­tic audi­ence. Now we are head­ing to Sioux Falls, South Dako­ta. Come on out.

It was nice to be done ear­ly last night. Great to be play­ing out­side. If you are ever in Kear­ney, stop by Cun­ning­ham’s Jour­nal. Tonight Omaha! 
