“The Chris O’Leary Band has played our fes­ti­val and recent­ly per­formed for us gar­ner­ing a stand­ing ovation.

Their lat­est album, 7 Min­utes Late, is the num­ber one blues album on the Roots Music Report & rock­ing The Liv­ing Blues Chart.

The Chris O’Leary Band is on a mete­orit­ic path and deliv­ers on every note.”

John Resch
Mis­sis­sip­pi Blues Society

Our lat­est album, 7 Min­utes Late, is the num­ber one blues album on the Roots Music Report. Thanks to all our fans for your support!

Roots Music Chart with 7 Minutes Late as Number One Blues Album for the week of February 9, 2019.

7 Minutes Late

Our 5th CD 7 Min­utes Late is on the Amer­i­can Show­place Label. It’s our finest work to date. Many of the songs that our fans have heard at our live shows over the past year are here as well as some brand new mate­r­i­al. We will be out tour­ing coast to coast and through out Europe and Cana­da in sup­port. Please come out and see us at a town near you.

The Chris O'Leary Band Florida 2017 Tour ScheduleWe’re tak­ing the show on the road, going on a two-week tour of Flori­da start­ing Jan­u­ary 14 and going through Jan­u­ary 28. We’ll be play­ing in some of Flori­da’s best blues clubs from New Smyr­na Beach to Key Largo on the Atlantic coast and Engle­wood to Mar­co Island on the Gulf coast. On the way down to Flori­da, we’ll be stop­ping in clubs in Wash­ing­ton DC, Bal­ti­more, and Rich­mond. We’ll be play­ing all your favorites from our first four CDs plus some new tunes on our upcom­ing fifth CD.

Please check the cal­en­dar and come on out and see us if we’re in a town near you. It’s gonna be a whole mess of fun!