Tomor­row we are releas­ing our 3rd CD on the Viz­ztone label.. Live at Blues Now! We record­ed this ear­li­er in the year in Basel Switzer­land with very spe­cial guest Alex Schultz. The room was beau­ti­ful, the crowd was great, and we had a blast!

Live at Blues Now!

The band has just returned from a suc­cess­ful short tour of Europe, with a live DVD of their Switzer­land per­for­mance com­ing lat­er this year. Below is a clip from Switzer­land to whet your appetite for their upcom­ing gig at The Fal­con on Thurs­day, April 3rd. It’s an ear­ly show, with the music start­ing around 7pm, so make your din­ner reser­va­tions and come hear the band’s lat­est tunes and tales.

Take a break from all your hol­i­day shop­ping and prepa­ra­tion this week­end, and kick back and relax with us at one (or both!) of our shows in the Hud­son Valley.

First up is Bri­an’s Back­yard BBQ in Mid­dle­town on Fri­day night (Dec. 6th), where you’ll find great bar­beque to go along with the music. Sat­ur­day night you’ll find us at McAuley’s Tav­ern in Pough­keep­sie, where piz­za and wings reign supreme. For details and direc­tions, check out the Cal­en­dar page on our website.
