Hi Chris,

I did an inter­view with you about two years ago for my radio show and was hop­ping we could do it again for pro­mot­ing your new CD.  I thought Mr. Used To Be was a real­ly good CD but this new one blows it away.  Guess you decid­ed to skip the south­moore and junior CDs and went right for a senior — great job.

Mark Wade



Fans wait­ing on line
Time to sign auto­graphs at The NY State Blues Festival
Cool Shirt!
Willa look­ing good
The nicest man around and he can also play guitar
Nice shirts!
Andy Stahl on tenor sax
Not only do they toot their own horn, they sing too

This report from the road comes from Gary Schwartz, sub­sti­tute drum­mer for the band: 

Just back on the road toward Syra­cuse, after a lunch stop at Tan­nersville Din­er. Truck stop look­ing, unas­sum­ing road­side Din­er. Food was sur­pris­ing­ly good, done right. 

This is my first road trip with the Chris O’Leary Band (and com­pa­ny) where, due to the dis­tance of trav­el, we all ride togeth­er in Andy Stahl’s 11 seater van. As we share lunch, I some­how find great com­fort in the sto­ries that are shared, the men­tion of mutu­al friends, some sad­ly no longer with us.
This group of musi­cians and friends are those that I have “come up” with in The Blues, for the last 21 years of my life. 

The most recent of these musi­cian­ly friend­ships has lived for 12 years.
I laughed to Chris V. (aka “John­ny Jazz”) as I ref­er­enced one of my clas­sic auto­mo­bile mishaps, “I can’t lie to you guys about ANYTHING, you were there!”

Any­way, the point is, these peo­ple, these moments, this mis­sion of musi­cal migra­tion, have me feel­ing peace­ful yet ener­gized, at my best, and more than a lit­tle bit introspective.