The Chris O’Leary Band is head­ed to Cana­da this month! The moment the band dri­ves across the bor­der, they can call them­selves an Inter­na­tion­al band! Unfor­tu­nate­ly, more often than not, the band gets caught in the gears of every­day life and for­gets to do a real­i­ty check!

As a bit of an out­sider look­ing in, here is a real­i­ty check: Keep dream­ing because you are on your way with an amaz­ing new CD ready to pop, a first inter­na­tion­al gig in June fol­lowed close­ly by a gig in Ire­land and Switzerland.

Obvi­ous­ly their  musi­cal skills as a band have a lot to do with this suc­cess, but we also have to stop to thank Road Dawg Tour­ing Com­pa­ny. Thank you Doug and thank you Deb­bie. We know it was no easy task gath­er­ing all the nec­es­sary paper­work to get Cana­da to let them in…musicians are a squirmy lot, but just think how pre­pared we are now for Europe!

Hap­py Birth­day Chris O’Leary.  You have much to cel­e­brate this year.

For all of you fans that are anx­ious­ly await­ing the arrival of the next CD, the wait is almost over: Wait­ing for the Phone to Ring will be released on June 26th.

While the first CD, Mr. Used to Be, cat­a­pult­ed the band into the fore­front of the blues world and brought them well-deserved recog­ni­tion, this new CD proves that The Chris O’Leary Band can fol­low an award-win­ning first CD with a sec­ond CD that con­firms the band’s evo­lu­tion and musi­cal abil­i­ty. The review­er who said “this is a band to watch out for” was right.

Please  check out the band’s gig dates and come buy a new CD in per­son. If you can’t wait for the band to play at a venue near you, go to Ama­zon or iTunes to buy a copy.