One of COB’s found­ing four (O’Leary, Vitarel­lo, McCarthy and Ingrao), Sean (Min­now, Carl) enjoyed a music career span­ning sev­er­al decades in the Hud­son Val­ley and played with vir­tu­al­ly every blues head­lin­er in the area (Lit­tle Sam­my Davis, Bill Per­ry, Pete Hop, Jere­my Baum, Slam Allen, Andy Fol­lette, and many more). Aside from Mr. Used to Be and Wait­ing for the Phone to Ring, most peo­ple know him from his work in The Real­tors, Rock­ini­tis, The Bluescast­ers, The Eldo­ra­do Kings and as a mem­ber of the house band at the leg­endary Side­tracked Blues Jam in Pough­keep­sie. Recent med­ical com­pli­ca­tions have made it nec­es­sary for Sean to hand his sticks over to Jason Devlin, but he’s pleased to see such a tal­ent­ed guy sit­ting behind the COB kit.

We wish all our fam­i­ly, friends and fans a hap­py and healthy new year, and hope it will be filled with plen­ty of great blues music! We had a blast ring­ing in the new year last night at the Towne Crier Cafe for the third year in a row. If you weren’t able to join us there, please come ring in the new year with us this Thurs­day night (Jan­u­ary 3rd) at The Fal­con, in Marl­boro. Din­ner starts at 5:30 pm (reser­va­tions rec­om­mend­ed), and the music at 7 pm (so you can get home ear­ly on the “school” night).

We have plen­ty of great shows planned for 2013, includ­ing a US west coast tour this sum­mer. We’ll update our web­site cal­en­dar as infor­ma­tion becomes avail­able, so keep checking.