Richard Lud­mer­er, a con­tribut­ing edi­tor at BluesWax, the online week­ly for the Blues Revue Mag­a­zine, says that the band’s sec­ond CD, “Wait­ing For The Phone To Ring,” is as excit­ing as their award-win­ning debut. In his words:

‘Chris O’Leary spent his ear­ly career as a vocal­ist with Lev­on Helm and The Barn­burn­ers. The Chris O’Leary Band’s first CD, Mr. Used To Be, was nom­i­nat­ed for a Blues Music Award and was also a Blues Blast Awards win­ner for “Best New Artist Debut CD.” This fol­low up: Wait­ing For The Phone To Ring is equal­ly exciting.

‘O’Leary, vocals and har­mon­i­ca, has put togeth­er a tal­ent­ed band, includ­ing gui­tarist Chris Vitarel­lo; Jere­my Baum on piano; the horn sec­tion of Andy Stahl, tenor sax and Chris DiFrancesco, bari­tone sax; and the rhythm sec­tion of Sean McCarthy, drums and Frank Ingrao on bass. Willa McCarthy is the back­ground vocalist.

‘On the open­ing track, “Give It,” pro­duc­er Dave Gross pro­vides addi­tion­al per­cus­sion and helps to aug­ment the infec­tious beat. “With­out You” fea­tures a nice harp solo by O’Leary. Vitarello’s taste­ful gui­tar opens “Louisiana Woman.” “Pic­tures of You” fea­tures Baum’s piano.

‘O’ Leary is a soul­ful vocal­ist who also wrote all thir­teen of the album’s songs, and there isn’t a weak one here. Oth­er high­lights include “Hole in My Head” and the title track, “Wait­ing for the Phone to Ring”, with the lyric “If I’m too low for your stan­dards, what say you low­er your stan­dards.” “Ques­tions” and “His­to­ry” are two bits of New Orleans sec­ond line with addi­tion­al horns added mak­ing the over­all sound sim­i­lar to that of Room­ful of Blues. Dave Gross has quick­ly built a rep­u­ta­tion as a “first call” pro­duc­er and he once again proves him­self here.

‘This is a thor­ough­ly enjoy­able album. I find it dif­fi­cult to imag­ine how good O’Leary might become as this is only his sec­ond record­ing. O’Leary’s future is bright; he is one worth watching.’

BluesWax Rat­ing: 8

Reprint­ed from‑9–21-12/#

Blues Now Poster of the Chris O'Leary BandThank you Blues Now for your amaz­ing hos­pi­tal­i­ty. We were dined, we were wined, we were giv­en a tour by an incom­pa­ra­ble tour guide through the beau­ti­ful city of Basel and we even heard the Swiss audi­ence holler between songs for the band. Basel, you were a blast!

“As for The Chris O’Leary Band , what can you say as the say­ing goes , if you ‘aint got that swing and by god he swung from rafters of that Mar­quee last night, got them all danc­ing , you know with a name like O’Leary he was but com­ing home to see us…what a band .”



Woo hoo! Lucky me:) I already have “Mr. Used To Be” and just recent­ly ordered “Wait­ing For The Phone To Ring” via Amazon!

If the CD is yet to be signed, may I have have it signed in a spe­cial manner? 

I am col­lect­ing signed CDs, that are pro­duced by nation­al­ly rec­og­nized award win­ning per­form­ers, which will be auc­tioned for fundrais­ing pur­pos­es, dur­ing the annu­al con­fer­ence of the Twin­less Twins Sup­port Group Inter­na­tion­al, Los Ange­les in 2013. 

If it is con­vienent, may I have the CD signed “Twin­less Twins Los Ange­les 2013” and of course by all 3 Chris’, Andy, Willa & Sean?

I have been for­tu­nate to be able pho­to­graph, meet & see the band per­form at the King Bis­cuit, BMAs & the Blues Blast Music Awards and already am a huge fan! 

If you would like more info about Twin­less Twins Sup­port Group vis­it:

Please also vis­it and “Like” Friends Of The Blues On Face­book which I cre­at­ed and main­tain for our group Friends Of The Blues based in the Kanka­kee, Il. metro area which sup­ports our LIVE shows and the Friends Of The Blues Radio Show on WKCC.

Thank you all so much! 
Kurt Foor

[email protected]