You got a prob­lem with a bunch of mid­dle aged honkies liv­ing near Wood­stock play­ing the blues? Just let me say this. Paul But­ter­field. Lev­on Helm’s singing har­mon­i­ca man leads his crew through a sopho­more set that is any­thing but sopho­moric. With a jun­gle blues vibe and pow­ered by non-stop ener­gy, this crew has got the blues right in the pock­et deliv­er­ing a fun, high octane set that makes the only col­or in blues blue. If you aren’t inter­est­ed in hear­ing about pick­ing cot­ton and fight­ing boll wee­vils, this is the stuff for you. Hot stuff.

2 (Fidelis)

Vol­ume 35/Number 281
July 28, 2012
830 W. Route 22 #144
Lake Zurich, IL., 60047
CHRIS SPECTOR, Edi­tor and Publisher
Copy­right 2012 Mid­west Record

Here’s hop­ing that we’ve got all the set­tings in place, so that our posts to the band’s web­site blog will appear “auto-mag­i­cal­ly” on the band’s Face­book page. This is the inau­gur­al test post.


Hi Chris,

I did an inter­view with you about two years ago for my radio show and was hop­ping we could do it again for pro­mot­ing your new CD.  I thought Mr. Used To Be was a real­ly good CD but this new one blows it away.  Guess you decid­ed to skip the south­moore and junior CDs and went right for a senior — great job.

Mark Wade